It’s New York City’s fault, say the survivors of Mitchell Wiener in a new lawsuit over Gotham’s allegedly inadequate response to the H1N1 virus [WCBS]. More: Katie Drummond, True/Slant; Michael Falino, WatchBlog.
It’s New York City’s fault, say the survivors of Mitchell Wiener in a new lawsuit over Gotham’s allegedly inadequate response to the H1N1 virus [WCBS]. More: Katie Drummond, True/Slant; Michael Falino, WatchBlog.
Assistant principal’s swine flu death…
It’s New York City’s fault, say the survivors of Mitchell Wiener in a new lawsuit over Gotham’s allegedly inadequate response to the H1N1 virus [WCBS; cross-posted from Overlawyered]…….
Seems like the response was quite good considering so few people died compared to the population of the city. Maybe he did not have any or enough life insurance?