According to U.S. Justice Department and Colorado bar authorities, Denver immigration lawyer Ravi Kanwal was himself in the United States unlawfully. [Legal Profession Blog via Ambrogi, Legal Blog Watch]
Archive for September, 2009
Birthers’ dubious boast
Some believe the Obama camp has spent a fortune in lawyers’ fees responding to far-fetched “birther” lawsuits, but John Bringardner at Legal Blog Watch is skeptical about that claim. Speaking of which, don’t you wish more conservatives would keep their distance from the site WorldNetDaily? [Jon Henke]
Lawsuits to silence critics bulldoze the First Amendment
George Will on the H. Walker Royall/Carla Main case (in which one of the defendants, Encounter Books, is also a publisher of mine). Earlier here, here, and here.
Corrupted by the very sight of it?
A new Maine law forbids wine tastings that could be witnessed by children. [Free Range Kids] (& welcome Damon Root, Reason “Hit and Run” readers)