• Lead by example., Mr. Sack. You first.


  • Yep, the correct response is “You have fun with that. Let us know how it goes.”

  • Can a national park be created where such folk can live their way as an example to everyone else?

    I mean, besides San Fran.

  • This would have been great satire. Too bad he was serious.

  • So he wants 99.5% percent of the world’s population to commit suicide? He should definitely go first as an proper example!

  • So silly easy, even an environmentalist-wanna-be-Geico-caveman would advocate for it.

  • Does Adam Sack really understands what he is proposing? He wants to save the world from global warming by destroying civilization and humanity. Even the most extreme predictions of possible harm to the earth due to global warming pale in comparison to the death and destruction that would have to occur in order to carry out his plan to leave 10,000 years of civilization behind.

  • What is really amazing about this is that it is being talked about openly. I think this has been the “shared vision” of environmentalism for a long time, but it has only been whispered in private. Now, they believe that the meme has become sufficiently embedded in the society that they can come out in the open. They must really be confident of their position to talk about this…

  • I read it, and the comments, and thought, “Never let facts get in the way of a good ol’ ‘THE SKY IS FALLING!!!’ hysterical ranting.”

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