January 20 roundup

  • Renewed attention to Amirault case contributed to Coakley’s political nosedive [e.g., Jacob Weisberg of Slate via Kaus, earlier] First time a Massachusetts prosecutor has paid a political price over that episode?
  • Many, many Democratic elected officials call for rethinking/renegotiating Obamacare rather than trying to force it through [e.g. Barney Frank] Blue Mass blogger: talk radio fueled ire at Coakley, let’s have FCC shut it down [Graham]
  • “Big Brother and the Salt Shaker” [NY Times “Room for Debate”, Food Liability Law, earlier on NYC initiative and more] NYU’s Marion Nestle “loves” being called a nanny statist, so we’ll just go right on calling her that [Crispy on the Outside]
  • Terror suspects win right to seek compensation from UK government over restrictions on their activities [Canadian Press]
  • “Men Without Hats. Meaning no hard hats. Meaning The Safety Dance never met OSHA requirements. No wonder it was shut down.” [Tim Siedell a/k/a Bad Banana]
  • Italian judge orders father to go on paying $550/month living allowance to his student daughter, who is 32 [Guardian/SMH, earlier on laws mandating support of adult children]
  • Two informants vie for potential bonanza of whistleblower status against Johnson & Johnson [Frankel, AmLaw Litigation Daily]
  • “Polling Firm Says John Edwards Is Its Most Unpopular Person Ever” [Lowering the Bar]


  • Is it only me or is it impossible to remove the ad over the text on the “Johnson and Johnson” story? What is the point in irritating readers who want to know the story but can’t read the text behind the ad?

  • My browser, Firefox, works great on the Johnson and Johnson story. No ad.

  • I accessed it a second time and there is an ad overlaying the text again but this time with a “close” button.

  • Frank, may I suggest Firefox with the NoScript extension. It stops scripts quite well (and you can easily turn them on if desired). It makes web browsing much more pleasant and reduces bandwidth which is important for those on mobile wireless devices.

  • ”Marina should graduate in March with a thesis on the holy grail,” she said.

    The holy grail as a thesis? It makes great fiction (Monty python, Indiana Jones and the last crusade) but is not worth indenturing a parent to support this academic charade.

  • nevins: Perhaps that is the very conclusion of her thesis.

    Writing a thesis on a subject doesn’t mean you approve of the subject. A lot of conservatives would be in big trouble otherwise for their scholastic work on communism…

  • The voters in the middle of the state, North and South Shores voted for Brown because they did not want to pay for National Health Insurance like they already have in Mass. This is proven by the fact that all the cities with state insurance clients went to Coakley.

  • Please see the point of law reference:

    “At Children’s Hospital, Boston, doctors vainly try in eight procedures to save 3 year old with heart birth defect, family awarded $15 M [Boston Globe via White Coat]”
    What we know is that the people of Massachusetts are nuts!

    Remember when the people of Minnesota elected Jesse Ventura, a wonderful but incompetent guy. The same with Schwarzenegger in California. Massachusettes has no monopoly on insanity.