Government-created risk

“How the U.S. government poisoned alcohol during Prohibition, with deadly consequences.” [Blum/Slate] A little while back I did an article for Reason on the surprisingly frequent role government has played in promoting and furthering products that pose a risk to life and limb.

P.S. It’s still going on, though with a lower toll: ethanol sold for nondrinking use is “denatured” and made poisonous by law (h/t James Fulford in comments, Alex Tabarrok)


  • They’re still doing it. Rubbing alcohol is poisonous BY LAW:

  • I thought a big reason rubbing alcohol is denatured is because it is not taxed like alcohol meant for consumption. It is more about the money than anything else.

  • Umm.. most “rubbing” alcohol is Isopropol alcohol which is inherently poisonous not Ethanol. Denatured alcohol is Ethanol which is made undrinkable by adding bittering agents such as denatonium benzoate and toxins such as methanol, naphtha, and pyridine. And, yes, this is done it avoid the taxes on potable alcohol.