One judge’s philosophy?

Washington Supreme Court Justice Richard Sanders, who won a moment of fame nationally for heckling then-Attorney General Michael Mukasey at a dinner, may conceive himself as a champion of the underdog, but if the Seattle Post-Intelligencer’s coverage is accurate, he doesn’t always manage to convey that stance in the most felicitous way: “Sanders said his job as a Supreme Court justice is to make sure ‘the smallest dog can lift its leg against the largest tree.'”


  • Let me ask a hypothetical question. What exactly could, say, a redwood do to stop, say, a chihuahua from “lifting its leg” to it?

    Who here is the little guy? The chihuahua with the power to life its leg to whatever it wants, or the redwood that has to sit there and take it?

  • Well, i guess we would know how he would rule in this case:

    you gotta laugh, because otherwise you would cry at such a blatant declaration of activism.

  • Yet another judge who has no understanding of his proper function.