“The color PURPLE is a trademark of 3M” [BoingBoing; earlier on Cadbury’s claims; image via]
Archive for October, 2010
“Greenwich man seeking millions from town over softball injury”
The backstop was located only 15 feet behind home plate and should have been 25 feet instead, according to the plaintiff’s lawyer suing the Connecticut town. [Greenwich Time]
Why are there so many “danger” signs?
Australian writer David Broadbent explains to his daughter. [Free-Range Kids] Plus: Australian lawmaker told not to change lightbulb in his office.
Hiccup Girl lawyer may blame Tourette’s
Annals of unusual criminal defenses: the lawyer defending Hiccup Girl Jennifer Mee on murder charges says he may blame her actions on Tourette’s Syndrome, a medical condition not ordinarily linked to violence or criminality. [CBS News/WFOR/AP, Lowering the Bar]
Bounteous bankruptcies: Lehman Brothers
$1 billion so far in lawyers’ and other professional fees, and counting. [Reuters]
“Nine Key Ballot Initiatives To Watch”
Taxes and guns, eminent domain and public employee benefits: from Dan Mitchell at Cato-at-Liberty.
Trucker demands religious accommodation for refusal to haul alcohol, tobacco
Age of accommodation, cont’d: “in Reedy v. Schneider National, Inc. (E.D. Pa. filed Oct. 15, 2010). Vasant Reddy says that he has ‘a sincerely held religious belief that he cannot consume, possess, or transport alcohol or tobacco,’ and that he informed Schneider National of this. …Nonetheless, he says, he was ordered to transport a load with alcohol, and was fired because he refused to transport it.” [Eugene Volokh] (cross-posted at Secular Right).
Publication: we’ll come after those who read multiple stories online
The North Country Gazette does not put its articles behind a paywall, but insists that visitors not read more than one unless they subscribe. According to BoingBoing, a notice on the site (now apparently taken down, or at least inaccessible to many visitors) contained the following menacing wording:
A subscription is required at North Country Gazette. We allow only one free read per visitor. We are currently gathering IPs and computer info on persistent intruders who refuse to buy subscription and are engaging in theft of services. We have engaged an attorney who will be doing a bulk subpoena demand on each ISP involved… and will then pursue individual legal actions.
Need for agent’s help at check-in said to be ADA violation
“The National Federation for the Blind has initiated a class action lawsuit against United Airlines because United’s check-in kiosks cannot be used by blind passengers.” [Gary Leff, Boarding Area]
State bar: lawyer claimed to “channel” client’s dead wife
Really bad lawyer conduct? Or only medium? “The State Bar of Arizona is looking to throw the book at a Phoenix attorney who told a client that she was channeling his dead wife, then allegedly lied about it during an unrelated disciplinary proceeding.” [National Law Journal]