Archive for 2010

Richard Blumenthal vs. Craigslist

The “grandstanding” Connecticut attorney general, notes Mike Masnick at TechDirt, is now publicly decrying Craigslist for turning a profit from sex ads. Why is it turning a profit? Well, the ads used to be free, but Craigslist started charging fees after Blumenthal himself (with fellow AGs) demanded that it do so, the idea being that a credit card trail would scare off some illegal users and make it easier for police to crack down on others.

Blumenthal, a longstanding bete noire of this site, is now running for the U.S. Senate seat held by the departing Chris Dodd. More: New York Times on his Senate bid (rough start, “Martha Coakley in pants”).

After the volcano, a legal eruption?

A “massive plume” of legal action is likely to follow the Eyjafjallajökull eruption, reports the Times (U.K.). Along with plenty of litigation against airlines themselves and other travel companies, stranded employees might file claims against their employers for not doing enough to get them home, and disrupted employers might be sued if they dock pay of employees who considered themselves ready and able to work.