A study finds kids don’t share academics’ level of alarm about “cyberbullying,” and concludes that they (the kids) need their consciousness raised [Michael Aynsley, OpenFile Vancouver] And from Lenore Skenazy: “You Can Be Anti-Bullying and Still Not Buy Into New Bullying ‘Crisis’“
Academics’ level of alarm and media level of alarm are not the same thing. Even if media tend to quote academics that supports they level of alarm.
Just saying.
It seems that, as usual, the kids are smarter than the so-called experts.
It seems that, as usual, the kids are smarter than the so-called experts.
Follow the money. And what gets censored.
[“It is clear that youth are underestimating the level of harm associated with cyberbullying,” stated Shapka.”]
Well, then, it must be some sort of “institutional” harm: harm that nobody can actually see or measure, but everyone who’s getting paid to worry can pretend it exists.
They don’t know they’re miserable. That’s the real damage: the delusion.
“Hi Jimmy! Would you mind giving us a quote about how bad you’re getting treated by people at school? Make sure you give us your full name and your Facebook ID so that everybody knows exactly who squealed. Oh wait, you changed your mind and you aren’t being bullied after all? Guess there’s no problem here!”