For the real reaction and analysis, you should check with my expert Cato colleagues here and here and (Ilya Shapiro) here. Here are a few additional things I had to say on Twitter, in reverse chronological order (with occasional, but not continuous, updating):
Yet more “cheer up, conservatives” readings, these from @NRO: [Garnett] [Whelan]
Roberts, Kennedy “delivered victory to the right in the one [battle] that mattered” [Scocca via Moller]
James Fallows: Constitution means whatever 19 of 21 con law profs say it means [Bernstein]
RT @davidfrum Randy Barnett’s Win
Why didn’t style-stickler Scalia clean up “majority status” scraps? Daring @David_M_Wagner theory: there wasn’t time
RT @Sam_Schulman look forward to Variorum Edition. RT @jpodhoretz: @Sam_Schulman @walterolson It’s a palimpsest! ?#dissent
Why’d the dissent need to include a big discussion of severability? Another fossil record of former majority-opinion status?
RT @PunditReview Great news, @walterolson will join us Sunday evening at 7:30 on WRKO to discuss the Obamacare ruling. #awesome #mapoli [Update: podcast here]
RT @Popehat Masterful rebuke to a comment troll MT @walterolson Bitch you in MY HOUSE NOW!
Balkinization blog entitled to victory lap for identifying path to today’s ruling;
Hee hee. “Romney website: ‘Mitt will nominate judges in the mold of CJ Roberts’” [@Jamie_Weinstein]
Commenter: Nyaah nyaah, you @overlawyered types say you’re anti-litigation but favored suit vs. ObamaCare. My response;
RT @robinmarty: It’s good that ACA is upheld, since there are some folk at CNN who will need insurance not tied to their employers soon…
“It now falls to Congress…” My colleague Roger Pilon on today’s ruling [Real Clear Politics]
What gets lost in today’s “tax but not a tax” ruling: political accountability [@mfcannon] [Bader]
Here’s a 6/20 prediction from @jtlevy calling it closer than anyone I’ve seen (via Virginia Postrel)
Stop beating on Roberts, he’s living up to “conservative minimalist” billing [Adler] [Ted Frank]
Randy Barnett: Cheer up, both federalism and enumerated powers doctrine did well today [SCOTUSblog]
Roberts avoided confrontation w/prevailing academic gestalt of feds’ Commerce Clause power [@lsolum]
More on “tax power yes, commerce power no” [Epstein] [@ishapiro] [Kerr]
Did Roberts chop down the broccoli stalk, or could it grow back as “tax”? [Somin] [@ProfBainbridge]
Evidence that Scalia’s Obamacare dissent drafted as majority opinion before a Roberts switch [Solum]
Cheer up: at least Roberts chopped down the broccoli stalk & bolstered states against feds [John Steele Gordon]
A tax, yet a non-tax: why court didn’t invoke Anti-Injunction Act to toss challenge [Tejinder Singh, @SCOTUSblog]
RT @TCBurrus Another Justice Roberts is now the new switch in time that saved nine. #SCOTUS #healthcare
RT @JasonKuznicki Americans: Pay this tax or buy a private company’s product. Corporatism at its worst, cheered on by the left. #aca
Roger Pilon: Ruling only a bump in road [@CatoInstitute] Legal battle’s just begun [Adler/Cannon]
RT @CatoInstitute Unhappy with today’s #SCOTUS decision on #ObamaCare? Watch this video on how states can refuse to go along with it
Per Goldstein at SCOTUSBlog, Roberts reasoning on Commerce Clause is super-narrow, won’t help the libertarian side much in future cases.
Exploding-cigar ad hominem argument of the day: RT @MaxKennerly Has John Roberts gone even a minute in his life without health insurance?
The clouded crystal ball: “Why Chief Justice Roberts Won’t Side with the Liberals on Obamacare” [on @NRO yesterday]
@sethmnookin I’m not convinced achievements are as big a motivator as “stop our evil opponents” outrage, which Roberts undercut (for Dems).
Can’t say I’m surprised at ACA. With rare exceptions, the Court behaves as a small-c conservative institution.
Republican outlook for November just got big boost. So maybe Jeff Toobin’s right to claim Roberts looks after GOP interests.
RT @@NYDNHammond Robertscare
RT @Hudsonette: haha RT @delrayser: CONVENE THE DEATH PANELS!
Tom Goldstein of @SCOTUSBlog predicts Court will uphold ACA
“Liberals shouldn’t defend FDR’s attacks on the Court” [Megan McArdle]
“All indications are Dems planning all out assault on the court if it overturns PPACA” Don’t, says @toddeberly
RT @macrmccoy I love Web 2.0. RT @ABAJournal: Obama Will Learn Fate of Health Care Law Through SCOTUSblog, Media
“Judicial activism!” placards all made up. Now the only question is which side to hand them to come 10 a.m. [Alt]
Randy Barnett thanks those who made the SCOTUS ObamaCare challenge possible [@VolokhC]
RT @santaclaralaw #healthcarereform? Randy Barnett interview with Politico: You can find it here. #sculaw