Teacher’s union threatens to sue private schools that accept vouchers

“If we do not receive a signed copy of the attached letter from you [agreeing not to accept voucher funds under Louisiana’s newly enacted Student Scholarships for Educational Excellence program] by 4:00 P.M. on Friday, July 27, 2012, we will have no alternative other than to institute litigation against St. Theodore Holy Family Catholic School…” — one of many such letters sent by lawyers representing Louisiana Association of Educators, the state teacher’s union. [The Hayride, Pelican Post]


  • They’re swinging for the fences and hoping some of the schools will capitulate.

    Problem is, they’re going against a Catholic school and the diocese here doesn’t take well to threats of that kind.

  • […] Teacher’s union threatens to sue private schools that accept vouchers – Overlawyered […]

  • Sic Sister Mary Elephant after ’em.

  • RT-not funny!

  • mjs: You’re right. It should have been Soeur Marie de l’Elephant.

  • What grounds could they possibly even honestly believe they have to sue?

  • […] Teacher’s union threatens to sue private schools that accept vouchers – Overlawyered […]

  • Does Louisiana have any SLAPP suits protections?

  • Would there not be a first amendment problem with back door funding of religion?

  • I’m no lawyer, but I would think that if the vouchers are given to teh parents and your DID NOT allow religious schools to participate, then you would have an issue.

    This makes me want to know who I can support to get the whole Teacher’s Union out of LA.

  • The schools should respond by pointing out that the current schools are failing these children so bad, it is of the utmost urgency to rescue as many as possible by getting them away from that toxic environment immediately.

    They should ask the teachers union to join them in urging the legislature to equip the buses transporting the students from public schools to the voucher schools with sirens and revolving lights.

  • Klan Act them.

  • Actually, RICO might be more appropriate. Concede a thing of value (the right to accept vouchers provided under State law) or we will sue you, making you spend money. Or costing you money if we win,

    Of course, Discovery is a B*.

  • Well, this isn’t really lawyering, it’s just hard-ball politics.
    Republican Governor (and good Catholic) Bobby Jundal is on the VP short list. The teacher’s union is just following through on creating controversy, even fake, by issuing these letters. A statement from the governor’s office supporting the private schools will be twisted into an attack ad: “The governor is taking public funds away from needy school children and spending it on his fat-cat cronies supporting big buck private schools”, or some such nonsense.

    Suing Catholics in Louisiana is not a winner. But creating any kind of attack on “rich” Bobby Jindal may just sell in a battleground state.

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  • […] Louisiana teacher union furor: “Now There’s A Legal Defense Fund For Schools The LAE Is Threatening To Sue” [Hayride, earlier] […]