That’s the objective of a “Step Forward For Orphans March” in Washington, D.C. a week from today, May 17, led by Craig Juntunen of Both Ends Burning, a father of adopted children from Haiti [Daily Beast]. As one Facebook commenter put it: “We don’t really need ‘easier’ adoptions — we need to eliminate corruption, and streamline the bureacratic procedures, making the process more transparent and predictable.” And: “the solution to corruption in international adoption is to target corrupt officials, not to leave children in orphanages.” Perhaps the most appropriate target audience for the D.C. march would be the embassies of foreign governments, transnational organizations in the U.N. system, and well-meaning NGOs that have rationalized moratoria on international adoption; the U.S. government itself, by contrast, has tended to behave in ways friendlier to the practice.
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