“US Patent Office Grants ‘Photography Against A White Background’ Patent To Amazon” [Tim Cushing, TechDirt] Critics suspect there is prior art.
“US Patent Office Grants ‘Photography Against A White Background’ Patent To Amazon” [Tim Cushing, TechDirt] Critics suspect there is prior art.
Via Twitter from Rachael Lamkin ?(@Rachael_IP):
“Hi Walter. I caution against taking patent analysis from TechDirt seriously. The claims describe the invention and the piece doesn’t even cite same. See claim 1 of patent. Extensive and narrow.”
Is it possible that the people at Amazon submitted this in hopes it would be granted and cause enough of a stir that the patent system would be … repaired?
I note the following from the abstract, “A subject can be photographed and/or filmed on the elevated platform to achieve a desired effect of a substantially seamless background … ”
In the photographic industry, the ” … background that is equivalent to a white background … ” is called, “seamless.” And has been for decades.
“Extensive and narrow”
And ballsy… and don’t forget ridiculous.
Hmm… Think I’m gonna go off and submit the paperwork to copyright, trademark and patent the letter “A”, in all known fonts, styles and materials…
(Do I really need a /sarc tag?)