NLRB and labor law roundup

The National Labor Relations Board has been so hyperactive lately reshaping the law for the benefit of labor unions that it gets a roundup all to itself:


  • Here’s more from Daniel Fisher on how the rulings interact with the NLRB’s new backing of gerrymandered “micro-unions”:

    “When you combine ease of communications with the very small bargaining units and you combine all that with a 20-day election cycle, they have given organized labor its biggest Christmas gift since the National Labor Relations Act in 1935,” said Michael Lotito, a shareholder with Littler Mendelson in San Francisco who represents employers in labor matters.

    Another little-noticed provision in today’s rules instructs the agency to devise methods for accepting electronically signed union authorization cards from employees. While not precisely equivalent to the “card check” proposal for getting rid of secret ballots in union elections that was defeated early in the Obama administration, when combined with yesterday’s ruling in Purple Communications, it will allow unions to swiftly disseminate cards to employees using a company’s own e-mail system.

  • And that, Walter, is what comes of not letting employees look at porn sites.
