- Eric Turkewitz has collaborated with other law bloggers on a series of April Fool’s blog hoaxes, but this year many bloggers sat out his joke about Donald Trump suits against the press. Sort of a canary in the coal mine right there [Paul Alan Levy]
- It’s come to this: Providence Journal runs pro/con debate on whether to criminalize “climate denial” [Michael E. Kraft, H. Sterling Burnett, link fixed now h/t Gitarcarver] Putting the R.I. in RICO: Sen. Whitehouse trades charges with WSJ, other malefactors (hello!) who keep fighting him on climate probe [Edward Fitzpatrick, Providence Journal, WSJ]
- “Judge Dismisses Felony Charge Against Michigan Jury Rights Pamphleteer” [Jacob Sullum, earlier on nullification activists and the law here, etc.]
- Feminist urges banning porn on the rationale least consistent with the First Amendment: that it operates as propaganda, the way a philosophical treatise might [Washington Post]
- FIRE announces free online First Amendment library; also interviews Eugene Volokh in a seven-minute video [Ronald Collins/Concurring Opinions]
- Greater Glasgow Police to social media users: “Think before you post or you may receive a visit from us this weekend.” [Alex Massie, Spectator, earlier on Scotland speech bans]
Filed under: climate deniers to the wall, free speech, jury nullification, legal blogs, Rhode Island, Scotland
One Comment
RE: It’s come to this: Providence Journal runs pro/con debate.
The link to the “H. Sterling Burnett” article in the Providence Journal doesn’t seem to be working. It goes to a 404 page.
The correct link appears to be: http://www.providencejournal.com/opinion/20160411/h-sterling-burnett-open-debate-on-climate-is-american-way
The link in the article has a “forwardslash ?Start=1” on the end and that may be causing the issue.