Food and Drug Administration roundup


  • The vaping regulations looked like an arbitrary giveaway to the tobacco industry by making it impossible for any small corporation to make a vaping device, but the batteries are a different issue. I think the estimates about the number of incidents (below 100) are way too low. I personally know of about that many instances, and that’s just by way of hearing from other lawyers, about other lawyers, etc. The battery fires are common enough to be a niche for some personal injury lawyers.

    • ” I think the estimates about the number of incidents (below 100) are way too low. I personally know of about that many instances, and that’s just by way of hearing from other lawyers, about other lawyers, etc. ”

      Maybe you’re over counting by double and triple counting incidents because you’ve heard the same incident slightly differently told by multiple sources.

      ” and that’s just by way of hearing from other lawyers, about other lawyers, etc.”

      That’s hearsay, not personal knowledge. Personal knowledge implies first hand involvement.

      Quite frankly it sounds to me like the friend of a friend sources typical of urban legends.