The ADA takes Berkeley courses offline

Andrew Ferguson on the ADA-inflicted loss of one university’s public treasury of online course materials: “UC Berkeley, needless to say, is deeply involved in the disability rights movement and has gone to great lengths to keep it satisfied.” None of which did it any good facing off against activist groups and the U.S. Justice Department, so now thousands of free lectures and other materials are set to come down. And some historical perspective: “After the ADA the country was much less free but its rulers were much more pleased with themselves.” [Andrew Ferguson, Weekly Standard] More: Hans Bader/CEI, earlier.


  • Any way to do some sort of reverse class action suit here as taking all those courses down damages many more people (like me) then those that are (not really) hurt by their existence.

  • I hope Bob Dole is happy.

  • How about a Public Records Request? Ask that the results be published on their website. 😉

    Cost of compliance? Small.

    Then when the ADA activists whine and howl, they make their own “records request” and therefor can pay to have the various accessibility features added later (since reasonable expenses can be charged, right?)

  • I wonder if the ADA destroyed the Library of Alexandria too?

  • They are all being published free in LIBR, which I heard about two minutes ago which sent me searching for this case.

  • Chris–

    What is LIBR? Neither Google nor Wikipedia would tell me.

  • Ah, are you upset that other people wanted access to them too. Quit your whining and howling.

    Here you go:

    (It was LBRY. That is why you could not find it.)

    I find it patriotic to share with my fellow citizens. Even when I don’t agree with their opinions.

  • […] Those free online course materials may be gone from the University of California, Berkeley, courtesy of a U.S. Deparment of Justice interpretation of the Americans with Disabilities Act and related statutes, but they’re not gone from the Internet: “20,000 Worldclass University Lectures Made Illegal, So We Irrevocably Mirrored Them” [LBRY] Won’t that infringe on a lot of copyrights? The site claims not: “The vast majority of the lectures are licensed under a Creative Commons license that allows attributed, non-commercial redistribution.” Earlier coverage here, here, here, and here. […]