Schools roundup

  • “It’s like open carry, but for Coppertone”: lawmakers in Washington move to “allow students to use sunscreen at school without a doctor’s note.” [Lenore Skenazy, Free-Range Kids]
  • Chicago Mayor Emanuel’s “life plan or no diploma” scheme meddles in grads’ lives [Amy Alkon]
  • Sounds like must viewing: School, Inc. is a three-part documentary on state of US education system based on work of late Cato scholar Andrew Coulson;
  • On both health care and K-12, U.S. tops the charts in cost but not in outcome quality. Yet people tend to draw very different lessons from the one case than the other [Arnold Kling]
  • Attacking appointee Candice Jackson, civil rights orgs “defend [educational] practices that the courts have ruled illegal, and every current U.S. Supreme Court justice would find illegal.” [Hans Bader, CEI]
  • Keen to “decolonize” curriculum, Boston Public Schools buy into dubious map theories [Kevin Mahnken, The 74 Million]


  • Note: I’ve corrected the wording in the item on Education Department official Candice Jackson to reflect the fact that her role as acting head of the Office for Civil Rights is not a position requiring Senate confirmation.

  • From the sunscreen article:

    “Yeah, yeah. The good news is that Oregon, Texas, and California recently passed similar bills allowing for common sense, and sunscreen, to prevail.”

    The bad news is that Oregon, Texas, and California recently passed similar bills. Its like we are devolving as a species.