April 11 roundup

  • For best effect, read it aloud: “Do YOU appear in the form of water droplets? Are YOU found on grass and windows in the morning? If so you MAY be dew condensation.” [Andy Ryan]
  • “Bezos could get out of Trump’s kitchen by telling the editors and reporters at his newspaper to shut up about the President.” [John Samples]
  • Wave of ADA web-accessibility suits hit banks: “N.Y. lawyers sue 40-plus companies on behalf of blind man in a month” [Justin Stoltzfus, Legal NewsLine] More: Jonathan Berr, CBS MoneyWatch;
  • “Law schools should not continue hiring faculty with little to no practical experience, little to no record of scholarship, and little to no teaching experience. ” [Allen Mendenhall, Law and Liberty]
  • U.K.: “Couple claiming compensation for food poisoning exposed by holiday selfies” [Zoe Drewett, Metro]
  • Federal judge: “every indication” that prominent Philadelphia personal injury firm “essentially rented out its name in exchange for referral fees” [ABA Journal]


  • “Law schools should not continue hiring faculty with little to no practical experience”

    Here’s a great example of what happens when you have a Law Professor who’s not even a member of the Bar and never has been: Michele Landis Dauber


    She’s not a lawyer. (http://members.calbar.ca.gov/fal/MemberSearch/QuickSearch?FreeText=Michele+Dauber)

  • “You may be due compensation”–
    Is that the whole joke, or am I missing a rereading of the first two sentences?

  • How is that any different than educators in other fields? What’s more dangerous, a law prof with no experience other than teaching or a civil engineering prof? There are good profs and bad profs and experience is one of the factors, but not the only one.

  • Hugo… Read that again… It’s “You may be dEW coNDensation” and not duecompensation. A very clever play on words…

  • Bruce–
    I got both readings of the last sentence. I was wondering whether the first two sentences could also be heard two ways.