- Sen.-elect Cory Booker (and Mayor Bloomberg too) on liability reform and fixing health care [NJLRA] How plaintiff’s lawyers get around caps [Alex Stein, Bill of Health] Missouri protects health volunteer workers [John Ross]
- Like an Ayn Rand novel: Massachusetts ballot initiative pushes confiscation of private hospital profits [Ira Stoll, NY Sun]
- Advice: plan now to lower your 2014 income to get valuable ObamaCare subsidies [San Francisco Chronicle]
- Medicare comes off poorly: “Quality Of Care Within Same Hospital Varies By Insurance Type” [Tyler Cowen]
- Revisiting a panic over alleged mass drug injury: “Avandia’s posthumous pardon” [David Oliver, earlier here and at Point of Law]
- Louisiana lawmakers use malpractice statute to discourage abortion [Alex Stein, Bill of Health]
- Georgia committee looks at plan to replace med-mal suits with administered compensation [Georgia Report via TortsProf, Daily Report Online (constitutionality), Insurance Journal]
- Uwe Reinhardt on professional licensure and doctors’ monopoly [David Henderson]
Posts Tagged ‘Avandia’
Lawyers! Getcher hot “pearl-shucked” case leads!
Readers keep sending me examples of what they say are unsolicited emails in which a marketing firm that calls itself ServicesToLawyers offers “pearl-shucked” personal injury case referrals, along the lines of the sample emails reprinted here and here, though with variations in the particular mass tort or torts for which leads are being hawked (Avandia, etc.) An April email attributed to the same sender offers the tempting chance to become “King of Motorcycle Accidents“, or at least King for one’s own locality, since “Not All States [Are] Available”.
Virginia personal injury law blogger Ben Glass wonders (Nov. 5) who would knowingly engage a lawyer who had purchased case leads drummed up in such a manner.
February 19 roundup
- Raising ticket revenue seems more important to NYC authorities than actually recovering stolen cars [Arnold Diaz/MyFoxNY video via Coyote]
- Subpoena your Facebook page? They just might [Beck/Herrmann]
- Rhode Island nightclub fire deep pockets, cont’d: concert sponsor Clear Channel agrees to pay Station victims $22 million, adding to other big settlements [ProJo; earlier]
- Manhattan federal judge says “madness” of hard-fought commercial suit “presents a cautionary tale about the potential for advocates to obscure the issues and impose needless burdens on busy courts” [NYLJ]
- Wooing Edwards and his voters? Hillary and Obama both tacking left on economics [Reuters/WaPo, WSJ, Chapman/Reason, WaPo editorial]
- Sad: if you tell your employer that you’re away for 144 days on jury duty, you actually need to be, like, away on jury duty [ABA Journal]
- New at Point of Law: Florida “three-strikes” keeps the doctor away; court dismisses alien-hiring RICO suit against Tyson (and more); Novak on telecom FISA immunity; fortunes in asbestos law; Ted on Avandia and Vioxx litigation; new Levy/Mellor book nominates Supreme Court’s twelve worst decisions; and much more;
- U.K.: “Lawyers forced to repay millions taken from sick miners’ compensation” [Times Online]
- Outside law firm defends Seattle against police-misconduct claims: is critics’ beef that they bill a lot, or that they’re pretty good at beating suits? [Post-Intelligencer]
- Cincinnati NAACP is campaigning against red-light cameras [Enquirer]
- Omit a peripheral defendant, get sued for legal malpractice [six years ago on Overlawyered]