A reminder: if you’re on Twitter, the ever more popular micromessaging and social media service, you can follow me at this link. You can also follow Overlawyered itself; its account mostly consists of a “feed” (in which each new post on the site results in a message), but I’ve also been experimenting with putting some original material on it, mostly short items destined for future roundups. I’ve also got Twitter identities for Point of Law and for my Secular Right site, and those likewise are primarily but not exclusively feeds.
Most new Twitter users are at first bewildered by the special jargon and conventions, such as “RT” (retweet, for passalong items), scrunched URLs, @ replies, #hashtags, and so forth. You can find a quick introduction at this link. These days I monitor the #CPSIA hashtag in particular, and often learn of new developments there first.
Filed under: Twitter