- “Just once I’d like to see a candidate respond: ‘Sorry but that’s not a legitimate function of the federal govt.'” [@radleybalko] #
- Pete Warden on reasons to be cheerful [PeteSearch] #
- Ribstein: Where was SOx in all this? [Ideoblog] #
- Top banks in Russia already govt-owned, hasn’t spared them in crisis [Pierre Briançon, Breaking Views] #
- Ed Glaeser: don’t try to prop up housing prices [NYT “Economix”; related, Salmon] #
- Yes, co-blogger Ted is now on Twitter and I think he needs more followers [@tedfrank] #
Posts Tagged ‘Twitter’
Microblog 2008-10-07
- All politics aside, Soros’s views on boom-bust cycles deserve attention [Naked Capitalism] #
- Sebastian Mallaby on misplacing blame for crisis [Washington Post; but see] #
- Warren Buffett on subject of Fannie-Freddie oversight [MargRev] # Others (h/t @srcleere) say regulators did warn of Fannie/Freddie, but Congress protected them #
- Back from NYC meetup with Kevin O’Keefe and Matt Homann, learned huge amount from them about using Twitter #
- Nocera: Waxman hearing was point-scoring political theater [NY Times] #
- Hank Greenberg on AIG collapse [NY Times DealBook] #
Microblog 2008-10-05
- Are Citi-Wachovia-Wells Fargo doomed to relive Texaco-Getty-Pennzoil in court? [Ethan Leib, Prawfsblawg; more here, here] #
- GOP petrified at prospect of filibuster-proof Democratic Senate [Politico] #
- Iceland’s once high-flying banks: will bailout needs overwhelm small nation’s govt? [Salmon] #
- Splog rips off Blawg Review #175 in its entirety from rightful author J. Spencer. Will Blogspot do anything? [don’t give ’em a direct link] #
- A peek at a revamped Amazon Kindle due out for Xmas? [Carnoy, CNet “Crave”] #
- Courtesy Kevin O’Keefe, “Beer for Bloggers” event in Manhattan Monday evening [see you there?] #
- Good article on pressures on Fannie Mae to plunge into risky lending 2005-08 [Kudos to NYT] #
Microblog 2008-10-03
- Game-geek nostalgia: the “Play Generated Map and Document Archive” [Feral Child] #
- “A lawyer charging extra for stamps and copies is like a car wash charging extra for water.” [Matt Homann, The (Non)-Billable Hour] #
- Aside to attorney Stephen Otto, who asked about a mail- and copy-intensive bankruptcy case: I guess that might be the exception, like the desert car wash that you can understand might for water use by the gallon #
- Some reasons why Washington Mutual failure and rescue was a big deal [Kevin LaCroix, D&O Diary] #
- Analysis of bailout’s “excessive executive compensation” provisions [Hodak Value] #
- Roundup of credit crisis links [Point of Law] #
Microblog 2008-10-01
- Tyler Cowen’s views on the credit crisis [Marginal Revolution] #
- Lehman’s role in clearing London trades meant its collapse maimed many customers [NYT DealBook] #
- “Laying on of hands”: Man who used church as front for brothel fights order barring him from massage business [Balko, Hit and Run] #
- “Orphan copyright” proposal dies for this term in Congress [Krafets, Wired “Threat Level”; earlier] #
- Inland Empire woe: spray-painting lawns green to simulate happier times in Calif’s “Foreclosure Alley” [Calculated Risk] #
- Just a reminder: both my blogs now have their own Twitter feeds at @overlawyered and @pointoflaw. #
- “Milk powder” “Falun Gong” “earthquake” — just seeing if that elaborate Chinese web-bug system catches me [NYTimes] #
Microblog 2008-09-30
- Good bank/bad bank snipouts preferable to having taxpayers overpay for junky assets [John Hussman] #
- AEI’s Peter Wallison: don’t blame deregulation for credit crisis [Bloomberg.com] #
- Paulson’s been driving hard bargains, not bailouts, in rescues so far, sez Kevin Drum [MotherJones.com (!)] #
- More on Fannie and Freddie’s very special relationship to Congress [Wallison/Calomiris, AEI Financial Services Outlook]
- Gorgeous photos of “most alien-looking place on earth”, Yemen’s Socotra Island [Dark Roasted Blend]
Microblog 2008-09-22
- I’ve renamed these telegraphic roundups “microblog” which seems more approachable than “Twitter”. Better name suggestions are welcome.
- Many countries had booms in housing finance, why was our meltdown worst? EconBrowser #
- Hail of dead cats from blogosphere for Paulson bailout plan PoL #
- Stunningly bad McCain idea: have Andrew Cuomo run SEC Mickey Kaus #
- Business historian John Steele Gordon on origins of mortgage meltdown NYT Freakonomics guest post #
- Going after lawyers in mortgage mess? New York Law Journal #
- Obama to pick centrists for high court? Not if advisers Minow and Tribe can help it Kerr @ Volokh #
Microblog for 2008-09-21
- Seems they’re a fragile bunch: 97% of LIRR employees “disabled” on retirement [New York Times investigation] #
- Lawsuit-proofing the bailout? Very sweeping immunity language in new bill [Gryphon, Point of Law] #
- Superior alternatives to the bailout? [Mallaby, WaPo] #
- “[L.A.] Times veterans should not be suing Zell. They should be suing themselves.” [Jeff Jarvis, earlier] #
- Jones Day gets bad publicity in hometown over blog-muzzling lawsuit [Cleveland Plain Dealer; earlier here and here] #
- Cool origami [MIT contest] #
Twitter for 2008-09-20
- I editorialize against state (anti-gay) marriage amendments [Overlawyered] #
- Wonderful hi-resolution historical photo site [Shorpy] #
- For my inner chemgeek [U. Notts “Periodic Table of Videos”] thanks @lilyhill #
- Thanks Laurie @halosecretarial for suggesting Twitterfeed for my blogs, seems to work perfectly #
- Sea shanties Pandora channel thanks @gwachob [my channels] #
- Japanese schoolgirl craze for virtual boyfriends thanks @TechCrunch #
- Ladies Nights at bars a civil rights violation? [Overlawyered] #
Twitter integration
As alert readers may have noticed, I began using Twitter recently (@walterolson) and have been experimenting over the past week with what it can do. I’ve now added Alex King’s Twitter Tools plugin for WordPress, which makes it possible to integrate blog functions with those of Twitter. I’m giving a tryout to two new functions:
* Now featured atop the rightmost column of this site is a list of my five most recent Twitter posts. Some are ultra-brief summaries of Overlawyered or Point of Law posts, while others point to law-related articles or news stories in lieu of writing them up at full post length, and yet others contain non-law-related or even personal content. If you want to keep abreast with these in something close to real time without coming back to visit the site itself, “follow” @walterolson (on your Twitter account) or use the @walterolson RSS feed (distinct from the regular Overlawyered posts and comments feeds).
* Once a day Twitter Tools will generate an Overlawyered post like this one summing up the last day’s Twitter mini-posts (“tweets”). In their native form, these roundups have a rather raw look, replete with artificially truncated URLs (of the tinyurl and is.gd variety), often not identifying the article source, etc. If time and inclination permits, I’ll try to clean these up and make them more Overlawyered-relevant by reinserting “real” URLs, via links, earlier/further reading, etc., maybe cutting pure personal stuff, etc.
* Here’s a list of lawyers and law types on Twitter. I’m listed at #230.
* This is all, obviously, experimental, and aimed at seeing whether the new formats appeal to existing readers and reach new ones. If it does work well, I might take further steps, such as systematically broadcasting Overlawyered content on Twitter (a reader volunteer might come in really useful on that). One step at a time, though.
* More: If you’re a reader whose Twitter posts might furnish good story tip material for this site, and I realize that, there’s a good chance I’ll try following you; I’ve already done three posts using material I found in Twitter streams. (This is by contrast with Facebook, where I follow a more conservative policy, and mostly accept as friends only those I “really” know or at least have emailed with a fair bit).