“Thanks for the doctors, New York”

“According to State Health Facts, a project of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, the total amount paid in medical-malpractice claims in 2009 was almost eight times higher in New York than Texas, with the average New York payment nearly three times higher.” Physicians keep voting with their feet to escape the New York model. [Joseph Nixon, NY Post; Coyote]


  • Texas tort reform could be a 2012 issue…

    Disgruntled GOP’er Professor Bainbridge: “If the trial lawyers hate Rick Perry, maybe I should reconsider him.” Perry is putting his tort-reform record front and center, and is the only candidate noting that part of our jobs problem is overlitigatio…

  • Training physicians is very expensive. Most states want to hang on to them, especially in primary care fields such as OB-GYN. Last time I checked, the waiting time for a doctor to get a medical license in Texas was around a year – you see, they’re kind of backed up, with all the doctors who want to move there (and no state income tax doesn’t hurt either, especially coming from new York). Wonder what the wait is for a New York license?

  • The wait is probably even longer. But it’s not because of a line. It’s because NY invariably has a billion different forms to fill out – in triplicate 🙂 – and then the myriad agencies have to process them all.

  • […] Tort Prof; background] Missing the point on the Texas med-mal experience [Coyote, earlier here, here, etc.] A bad sign: Gov. Perry reaches out to Maricopa County sheriff Joe Arpaio [NRO, background] […]