Roy L. Pearson, Jr. and the $65 million pants

Attorney (and now administrative judge) Roy L. Pearson, Jr. paid $10.50 to have some pants altered at his dry cleaners’, but was dissatisfied with the results, so sued them on grounds that their “Satisfaction Guaranteed” sign was consumer fraud. Among his claimed damages is the need for a car to find a new dry cleaner. […]

Attorney (and now administrative judge) Roy L. Pearson, Jr. paid $10.50 to have some pants altered at his dry cleaners’, but was dissatisfied with the results, so sued them on grounds that their “Satisfaction Guaranteed” sign was consumer fraud. Among his claimed damages is the need for a car to find a new dry cleaner. Pearson at first demanded $1150 for a new suit, but turned down offers from the dry cleaner to settle for $3000, for $4600, and for $12000, and claims DC consumer protection law entitles him to $65 million. The Chung family has removed their “Satisfaction Guaranteed” sign. (Marc Fisher, “Lawyer’s Price For Missing Pants: $65 Million”, Washington Post, Apr. 26; Obscure Store blog; DCist, Apr. 13; ABC-7, Apr. 12).

Update: May 1.


  • For $65million, my dry cleaners can publicly burn my suit while calling me a baby rapist.

  • If my dry cleaner had $65 million, odds are he wouldn’t be my dry cleaner. I don’t understand why lawyers like this don’t just ask for a squillion gazillion as long as they’re making silly demands. The fact that this guy could conceivably extort $12000 out of it is outrageous enough.

  • It would appear that Judge Pearson lacks a judicial temperament.

  • Sounds like many pro se plaintiffs I’ve dealt with. One asked for “10 billion dollars million dollars” in his federal court complaint. I often joked with my secretary that my client should write a check for that amount.

  • Why demand thousands when we can demand… $64 MILLION?

    Nope, that does’t really work this way.

  • Judge Pearson’s favorite Song.

  • It’s lawyers and judges like this that continue to tear down America. As the saying goes, 99 percent of the lawyers make the other one percent look bad. This guy should be disbarred as he is an embarrassment to anyone in the real world. What a shame for someone in his position to rape the legal system!

  • “… Lacks a judicial temperament”?!! That’s putting it mildly, for sure. I’m more satisfied with “petty, childish, vindictive a**hole”.

  • Unbelievable. This story made it to the German newspapers and I cannot stop thinking of this absolutely stupid case. Are there not enough more important things to do in this world instead of complaining about a pair of lost pants? Has this guy completely lost his seven senses??? In case of the judge, I would have sent this lawyer home straight away instead of costing the American tax payers a fortune with this sh** …

  • And this man calls himself a judge? Now we know why the rest of the world looks and laughs at this country in disgust.

  • As one of Koreans, I’d like to say that there are still some people in the world that believe in the justice in America and they still like America. The rest of the world is not stupid as some Americans would think. They don’t judge a country with some bad people in the country. but it is ridiculous that this man calls himeself a judge.

    Hey Mr. Judge, You will be judged by the god in someday. I’ll pray for you if I have a free time on sunday. good luck for your sue.

  • If it wasn’t so serious it would be funny.
    What a turn-up for the American judicial system is this story.
    Seams your Judge is a cut above the rest as he tries to grab so much pocket change. He has to be a bit woolly and should cotton on to the fact he is an embarrassment for your great country. Rather than take Mr Chung to the cleaners he should say sorry and suspend this rather pants action. I don’t think him fit to retain his judicial seat. This is the bottom end of justice.
    Peter Baylis London England
    (You know, the country that gave you the legal system you have abused)

  • What a lovely person Roy L. Pearson must be. I found this about, I presume, him when I googled his name. Apparently he acted just as pleasantly during his divorce from his wife.

  • Roy Pearson you should be ashamed!!

  • Does anyone know how can this man be reached / stopped? Please advise.

  • I urge anyone who really wants to make people sit up and listen is for everyone to contact their congressman. Just “google” your state representatives and e-mail them that you find some lawsuits are getting out of hand. This type of thing makes a MOCKERY of our judicial system. It really ruins the way the world perceives us.

  • This idiot doesn’t deserve to be judge, or a lawyer. He’s what’s wrong with our justice system, and the Koreans should seek a Civil Attorney to get relief. They are being persecuted, relentlessly.
    What goes around comes around, and I hope the evil jerk gets his soon. He’s despicable.

  • Everyone should know most lawyers aren’t like this, but of course only the bad and outrageous behaviors make the headlines, and sadly shames the profession as a whole. Even with this ridiculous lawsuit, America is still the greatest country in the world because it affords us with freedoms unimaginable by other countries, freedom of uncensored speech and writing, freedom to pursue any profession, freedom to come and leave the country, the freedom to be protected under the judicial system because there is a 1% chance that we are innocent. However, with all these freedoms, there are always a few crazy nuts out there (such as in this case) taking advantage of the system and pushing it into extremes to cast doubt into this great country and the judicial system we have.

  • I am not a lawyer, or even claim to know how our insane justice system works. Will the Koreans be able to sue back? Maybe for discrimination or something? It is sad their life is totally being ruined and really pained me when the wife started crying saying she wants to go back to Korea. When someone wants to leave America for this it is pretty disgraceful.

  • This is a ridculous claim.
    This is why the judicial system is broken. They allow a person like Roy Person to sue people for an innocent mistakes but let the true crimes go without punishment. I think this laywer/judge should lose his license to practice law for being an idiot about this. If his life is ruined over a pair of pants he needs mental health care. Put him in a home for the mentally ill.