Archive for 2011

“Character” and law licenses

Ontario’s Law Society has rejected a would-be lawyer despite strong academic credentials because of concerns about his character, specifically episodes in which he harassed fellow apartment owners during a condo leadership fight and forged a letter supposedly from an owner. “Character” screening was once a common prerequisite for admission to the American bar, but fell largely into disuse following complaints that it could be subjective and applied unevenly. [Toronto Star]

Law school appearances: AU, Dickinson

Following my swing last week through Colorado, Wyoming and McGeorge (Sacramento), I’m speaking at lunchtime today at American University-Washington College of Law in Washington, D.C. And — this one a new last-minute booking — on Monday I’m scheduled to speak at Dickinson/Penn State in Carlisle, Pa. (simulcast at the State College campus). Events are sponsored by the Federalist Society and I’ll be discussing Schools for Misrule, my new book on law school progressivism.