Prof. Bainbridge among others is blowing the whistle. For more, see Ira Stoll, Kevin Funnell, Steven Greenhut and related, Felix Salmon (role of Cornell lawprof Robert Hockett).
Archive for 2012
Prosecution and police roundup
- Appalling: localities partner with tax-farming “probation” firms to run up routine misdemeanor fines into crushing debts for citizenry [NYT, Tuccille/Reason] “Pay Up: Criminal Justice Debt in Philadelphia” [Penn Law/YouTube, Brennan Center]
- “The institute estimates a wrongful conviction rate in sex assault cases of between 8-15%” [Richmond Times-Dispatch; Urban Institute via Balko] For the guilty, marginalization may worsen recidivism: “Do Sex Offender Registries Make Us Less Safe?” [Prescott, Regulation mag, PDF] Sex-offense detention for dollars [Greenfield]
- Majority of Florida voters support Stand Your Ground [Quinnipiac; Glyn/NRO; earlier, Sun-Sentinel] Collection of cases in which Florida SYG defense was asserted [Tampa Bay Times; Ta-Nehisi Coates; Jacob Sullum on TBT’s slant, related by Sullum here and here] Bipartisan origins of Florida SYG statute differ greatly from what you may have heard [Daily Caller, auto-plays video] “Two studies on Stand Your Ground” [Robert VerBruggen/NRO] Florida lawyer Troy Webber’s analysis of law [Hussein & Webber] Related: Jeralyn Merritt.
- Problems with police dogs as evidence [Balko, Greenfield]
- Tennessee: “Mom jailed for letting kids play at park” [Lenore Skenazy, Free-Range Kids, related]
- Tenth Circuit adopts broad view of already-broad federal wire fraud statute [Paul Enzinna/PoL]
- New Gotham law will fine taxi drivers up to $10K for giving ride to a prostitute, drivers will have to take a course on recognizing what hookers look like [Amy Alkon]
“Declaration of Internet Freedom”
As drawn up with help from left–leaning groups like the misnamed Free Press, it may sound like a good idea, but to judge by the analyses of my Cato colleagues Timothy Lee and Jim Harper, the operative word may be “sound.”
“Op-Ed: Supremely Unsecretive”
Environmental law roundup
- EPA continues crackdown on older-home renovation in the name of lead paint caution [Angela Logomasini, earlier, see also re: lab testing]
- Solyndra’s many enablers: 127 in House GOP just backed federal energy loan guarantees [Tad DeHaven/Cato]
- “In defense of genetically modified crops” [Mother Jones, no kidding] “How California’s GMO Labeling Law Could Limit Your Food Choices and Hurt the Poor” [Steve Sexton, Freakonomics]
- “EPA fines oil refiners for failing to use nonexistent biofuel” [Howard Portnoy, Hot Air]
- Consultant eyed in Chevron-Ecuador case [PoL] Radio campaign targets conservatives on behalf of trial lawyers’ side [Fowler/NRO] Lawyer suing Chevron: “We are delivering a bunch of checks to [NY Comptroller] DiNapoli today” [NYP]
- Getting taxpayers off the hook: Congress might curb flood insurance subsidies [Mark Calabria/Cato]
- “Lessons from British Columbia’s Carbon Tax” [Adler]
Challenge to California foie gras ban
SFGate has details here and here. More on California’s crise de foie: earlier, Ann Althouse, more.
Loser-pays law, in Texas and elsewhere
Now posted: a recent Federalist Society podcast of a discussion that includes me, Texas attorney E. Lee Parsley, Texas lawprof Ronen Avraham, Judge Dennis Jacobs as moderator and Dean Reuter of the Federalist Society introducing. Running time is an hour and you can listen directly here. More from me on the new Texas law here.
Torts roundup
- House Judiciary passes measure (FACT Act) promoting transparency of asbestos trusts, could preserve assets for honest claimants by curbing n-tuple dippers [Harold Kim/US Chamber, Ted Frank] “$48 million jackpot justice asbestos award for 86-year-old” [Frank]
- Canadian court: car crash caused chronic cough [Magraken]
- Push in Connecticut legislature to ease expert testimony threshold, thus enabling more med-mal suits [Zachary Janowski, Raising Hale]
- Georgia court: residents on notice of wild alligators, golf club not liable for elderly woman’s demise [Daily Report]
- “NYT is inconceivably shocked that NYC defends itself in lawsuits instead of blindly writing multimillion $ checks.” [@tedfrank]
- Arizona court declines Third Restatement’s invitation to gut duty prerequisite in tort law [David Oliver]
- Vintage insurance fraud: “The Slip-and-fall Queen” [Brendan Koerner via @petewarden]
- Relaxation of fault in auto cases: “Richard Nixon’s Torts Note” [Robinette, TortsProf] “Reforming the Reform: No-Fault Auto Insurance” [same]
Reactions to “Abolish the Law Reviews!”
My Atlantic piece of yesterday is here (earlier Overlawyered item on it here). At Thomson Reuters “Summary Judgments,” Eddie Evans has a great write-up on the piece. Some other reactions:
I think Walter Olson’s basically right. but there are so many obstacles. First mover issues. Revising the tenure process to accept non-traditional scholarship. Inertia. And so on.
Marie Newman (Pace Law School, whose library staff was outstandingly helpful to me when I was researching Schools for Misrule):
Walter Olson, the always provocative legal commentator, has struck again …the article uses the Harvard Law Review to illustrate the plummeting circulation and stunning irrelevance of even the most prestigious of the academic law reviews in the twenty-first century.
But then we’d have to abolish the Bluebook. It won’t stop!
Surprised that the piece made no mention of SSRN.
David Gravett, comments, The Atlantic:
The first clue to a judge that an attorney has absolutely no legal support for his/her argument in a brief is their citation to a law review article.
Andrew Dressel, comments, The Atlantic:
The circulation numbers are simply misleading. The proliferation of online databases such as Westlaw, Lexis, Bloomberg Law and now Google Scholar have made much hard copy legal scholarship and reporting obsolete. I would be willing to bet there are far fewer lawyers ordering hard copies of the Federal Reporter as well. That doesn’t mean the content is obsolete simply the presentation form. But law reviews have adapted and many run very fine websites that print shorter form reactions to the long form pieces in the actual publication.
I disagree with Walter. The law review should not die. It’s already dead. It’s been dead for a while, and merely wanders about like zombies eating the brains of those who are caught in its clumsy clutches.
More links: Above the Law; commenter Erika at Simple Justice (“What would law school be like without the Law Review experience?”).
I think [Olson] is wrong to assume that “talented law profs” seek out short form options to present their ideas because that’s the first best place to be. … I suspect at least some of us hardly desire to go online to do short form writing as such. Rather, it’s more a matter of resignation about where the eyeballs might be and what civilians’ attention levels are. … But writing to get the argument right requires patience and diligence. Opeds don’t reward that. …
The real problem in law scholarship is not where it appears or how long it is, but whether it is lockboxed. To my mind, every piece of legal scholarship produced should be available online either in final draft or penultimate draft.
[No, I’m not against long-form legal scholarship. I do think it’s commonly ill-served by today’s law review format. — W.O.]
E. Donald Elliott (by email):
Why “abolish” them? They are harmless enough and they provide good training to law students. A little like saying we should abolish high school basketball because the teams can’t compete in the NBA.
Mark Giangrande, Law Librarian Blog:
Don’t abolish, adapt…The sidebar to [Olson’s] article features text by Jack Balkin (The Court Affirms Our Social Contract) and Wendy Kaminer (Juvenile Sentencing: Alito’s Misguided Dissent). Those articles would be published some time in the late fall or early winter at best if written in a form appropriate for law review editors. … My biggest problem with law review content is that even when it is presented online it still generally conforms to print. Maybe it’s the Bluebook mentality.
But where would we pub… Right, carry on!
Maybe we need a knockout rule whereby law reviews that don’t get enough court citations fold? Or would this lead to bad cites?
P.S. My Cato colleague Roger Pilon adds, “Except for the Cato Supreme Court Review, of course.” My reply: Like the Chicago-based Journal of Law and Economics and Journal of Legal Studies, the CSCR breaks with the typical law-review format in several ways, most notably by not being student-edited. No wonder it succeeds.
“Abolish the Law Reviews!”
I’ve got a new essay up at The Atlantic, part of the “America the Fixable” series edited by Philip K. Howard. I have a bit of fun at the expense of the Harvard Law Review, raising the question of whether it should be held to lower standards than the Long Island tabloid Newsday, and cite such figures as Richard Posner, Elizabeth Warren, Ross Davies of George Mason, and the bloggers at Volokh Conspiracy and Balkinization.