This is a list of the tags used on Overlawyered (max. # 1200). Larger sizes and darker colors indicate more frequently used tags:
28 U.S.C. § 1915 AAJ about the site Abraham Lincoln absent parents who sue access to justice accolades accounting ACLU acrylamide ADA filing mills administrative law adoption ADR advertising advocacy funding AEI Africa age discrimination age of majority agriculture and farming AIDS airlines Alabama Alaska alcohol Alex Kozinski Al Franken alienation of affection Alien Tort Claims Act allergies Alliance Defending Freedom Allstate Amazon American Law Institute amusement parks Andrew Cuomo Angela Ford Anheuser-Busch animal rights animals animal shelters Anthony Pellicano antiquities antitrust Antonin Scalia AOL apparel Apple Aramark arbitration are you feeling protected? Argentina Arizona Arkansas Arlen Specter art and artists Arthur Miller Article V asbestos assisted reproduction assumption of risk asylum law Atlanta ATRA attorneys' fees attorneys general Australia autism AutoAdmit auto dealership protection laws autos Avandia aviation bad faith bail bonds Baltimore banana pesticide litigation fraud bankruptcy banks Barack Obama bar associations Barbara Boxer Barney Frank baseball baseball bats Batman Bauer v. Nesbitt Bay Area Bear Stearns Beatles Beaumont bedsores beer and brewers Belgium Ben Stein Bernardine Dohrn Bernard Madoff Bernie Sanders Best Buy best of Bill Clinton Bill de Blasio Bill Gates Bill Lerach Bill Lockyer Bill McClellan BlackBerry bloggers and the law blog mechanics blue-ribbon excuses Bob Surrick Borat Boston BP Transocean oil spill Brazil breach of promise to marry Brent Coon Brett Kavanaugh bright line broadcasters Buckyballs Buell-Wilson v. Ford Buffalo bullying bullying businesses Burger King business climates Business Week CAFE California cameras in the courtroom campaign regulation Canada Captain D's card check cardiology carpal tunnel Cass Sunstein Catholic Church Cato Institute CCAF celebrities cellphones Center for Justice & Democracy Centers for Disease Control CFPB champerty charitable trusts Charles Ogletree Charles Rangel Charles Silver chases chasing clients cheerleading chemistry sets Chevron Chicago child abuse child custody child protection Child Protective Services children's rights child support China chiropractors Christmas and other holidays Chrysler churches Cincinnati Cisco civil death penalty civil gideon civility civil service claims fraud Clarence Thomas Class Action Fairness Act class actions class action settlements Clear Channel Cleveland click fraud client protection funds climate change climate deniers to the wall Clint Eastwood closing arguments Coca-Cola Cohen Milstein colleges and universities Colorado common law communicable disease Communications Decency Act competition through litigation competition through regulation compulsive gambling conflict of laws Connecticut consent decrees constitutional law construction defect contempt contingent fee contracts contracts of adhesion copyright corporate governance Corri Fetman cosmetics Coughlin Stoia Countrywide coupon settlements COVID-19 virus Cozen O'Connor CPSC CPSC Act CPSIA CPSIA and apparel/needle trades CPSIA and books CPSIA and Congress CPSIA and libraries CPSIA and minibikes CPSIA and phthalates CPSIA and resale CPSIA and toys Craigslist crash faking credit default swaps crime and punishment criminal records and hiring criminals who sue Crisis of 2008 cruise ships CSPI Cuba Curlin cy pres Cyrus Dugger D'Amico & Burchfield D.C. Circuit Dahlia Lithwick Dallas damages damages for animal companionship damage theories Daniel Edelman Daniel Fischel Danish cartoons Darrell McGraw Dartmouth Daubert David Bershad David Boies David Michaels David Nieporent DC v. Heller Deal or No Deal death penalty debtor-creditor law deep pocket defense lawyers defensive medicine defibrillators Delaware Democrats in dissent Denmark Denver Department of Justice Design Piracy Prohibition Act Detroit Deval Patrick Diane Sykes Dick Cheney Dickie Scruggs disability & schools disabled rights disasters discipline discovery discrimination law Disney disparate impact diversity oaths diving divorce do as we say Dodd-Frank dog bites domestic partners domestic violence don't Donald Trump double jeopardy Dow Chemical do you know who I am? Dozier Internet Law dramshop statutes DUI Duke lacrosse Eastern District of Texas eat drink and be merry eBay echo mills Edward Fagan EEOC eggshell plaintiffs Eighth Circuit election law electrocution Elena Kagan elevators and escalators Eleventh Circuit Eliot Spitzer Elizabeth Warren emergency medicine emergency services Emily Bazelon eminent domain emotional distress Empire State Building Employee Free Choice Act employment at will EMTALA endangered species Enron environment Environmental Protection Agency Eric Albritton Eric Holder Eric Schneiderman Erin Brockovich Erwin Chemerinsky ethanol ethics Europe executive orders expert witnesses extraterritoriality Extreme Makeover Exxon Exxon Shipping v. Baker eyewitness testimony FAA Facebook FACTA failure to warn fair housing faking evidence false light family law fans as infringers FATCA fathers FDA Federal Communications Commission federalism Federalist Society Federal Trade Commission feeds feeing frenzy FELA fen-phen Fifth Circuit finger in the chili fire departments firefighters firefighters rule fires First Amendment First Circuit FISA fishing expeditions Florida Florida A&M FOIA and public records laws foie gras folk law food safety football Ford Ford Explorer Ford Foundation Ford Motor Ford Pinto Foreign Corrupt Practices Act forensics forfeiture for me but not for thee forum shopping foster care Fourth Amendment Fourth Circuit France Frank Easterbrook Frank Sulloway fraud Freakonomics Fred Baron Fred Thompson freedom of contract free speech free speech in Canada free trade French fries FSMA FTC endorsement rules gambling General Motors Geoffrey Fieger George Louie George W. Bush Georgia Germany global warming Gloria Allred golf Good Samaritan Google government contract compliance governors Grand Theft Auto Ground Zero dust lawsuits guestbloggers guns gypsies H. Walker Royall hail of dead cats harassment law hard drive harmless lawsuits Harry Reid Harvard hate crimes hate speech haunted house Hawaii heads I win tails don't count health courts heap no abuse upon judges Heather Mac Donald Henry Waxman Hess Kennedy Hillary Clinton HIPAA historic preservation HMOs hospitals hostile environment hot coffee hotels housing discrimination Houston humor Idaho illegal drugs Illinois immigration law India Indiana Indian tribes Innocence Project institutional reform litigation insurance insurance fraud insurers intellectual property international human rights international law intervening causation interviewed Iowa Ireland isometric government Israel Italy jackpot justice Jack Thompson Jack Weinstein James Frey JAMS Janet Reno Jan Schakowsky Japan Jarek Molski Jarndyce redux Jeffrey O'Connell Jeffrey Toobin Jerome Lemelson Jerry Brown JetBlue Jim Butler Jim Hood Joe Biden Joe Jamail Joe Lieberman Joey Langston John Coffee John Edwards John Keker John Kerry John McCain John O'Quinn John Ritter John Roberts John Stossel John Torkelsen joint and several liability Jonathan Lee Riches Joseph Bamberger Josh Hawley judges Judge Ward judicial elections judicial nominations judicial seminars judicial system Judicial Watch jumping on the bus junk science juries jury nullification jury selection Justinian Lane Kamala Harris Kansas Kathleen Sebelius Kathleen Seidel subpoena Katrina Kenneth Mollins Kentucky Kentucky fen-phen settlement fraud Kevin Phillips kickbacks Kirby McInerney & Squire Kreindler & Kreindler Kristin Rossum Labaton Sucharow labels labor unions ladies' nights landlord tenant law land use and zoning language bias Larry Klayman Larry Sinclair Laura Hess law clinics law enforcement for profit lawfare lawn mowers law schools lawyering vs. privacy lawyers lawyers making clients worse off lead paint learned intermediary doctrine Leasecomm Lee Rohn legal blogs legal discipline legal extortion legal malpractice legal precedent legal profession legal services programs legislature Lester Brickman Liability Outlook libel slander and defamation Lieff Cabraser light cigarettes Lilly Ledbetter Lindsay Lohan Lindsey Graham litigation as investment litigation finance litigation lobby Little League live in person lobbyists Long Island Los Angeles loser pays loss of consortium lottery Lott v. Levitt Louisiana low-speed auto collisions Luzerne County judicial scandal lying with statistics Lynne Stewart Lynn Stites MADD Madison County magicians Maine Malaysia managed care Manhattan Institute Marc Dann Marc Dreier Marc Rodwin Maria Cantwell Mark Bittman Mark Lanier Mark Modlin Mark Steyn marriage contracts Martin-Zimmerman case Martin Luther King Maryland Massachusetts mass screenings mass tort fraud Maxine Waters Mazda McDonald's media media bias medical medical apology medical malpractice medical malpractice insurance medical monitoring Medicare Melbourne Mills Jr. Melvyn Weiss Memphis mens rea mental disability Mexico Michael Bloomberg Michael Ciresi Michael Hausfeld Michael Moore Michigan MICRA Microsoft Mikal Watts Mike Huckabee Milberg Weiss Miley Cyrus military Miller-Jenkins case Miller Brewing Milwaukee miniature golf minimum wage Minnesota miracle recoveries Mirapex Mississippi Missouri Mitt Romney mold Monroe Freedman Montana Montgomery Blair Sibley Morris Eisen Morrison & Foerster Morse Mehrban mortgages Motley Rice movies film and videos music and musicians MySpace names of laws Nancy Grace Nancy Pelosi nanny state Napoli Bern nastygrams National Center for State Courts National Labor Relations Board national service Navy sonar Nebraska Neil Gorsuch Netherlands Nevada never events New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New Orleans newspapers Newt Gingrich New York New York state New York Times New Zealand NHTSA Ninth Circuit noneconomic damages nonmonetary costs of litigation North Carolina North Dakota Norway not about the money nuisance nursing home nursing homes NYC ObamaCare obesity obstetric obstetrics occupational licensure off-label Ohio oil industry OJ Simpson Oklahoma online speech on other blogs on TV and radio OPEC open and obvious open source open threads and commenter posts Operation Choke Point opioids Oprah Winfrey Oregon OSHA overwarning overzealous advocacy P.L. Blake palimony paper currency and the blind parody patent law patent litigation patent marking patent quality patent trolls Patent Troll Tracker Patty Murray Paul Bergrin Paul Krugman Paul Minor payee notification pedestrian Pennsylvania Pennzoil v. Texaco perjury personal responsibility pesticides petty fines and fees pharmaceuticals Philadelphia Philip K. Howard Philip Morris v. Williams Phoenix photography PIRG Pittsburgh pleading police police bill of rights laws police unions political correctness politics pools Port Authority preemption pregnancy discrimination premises liability prisoners privacy privilege probation problem jurisdictions pro bono procedure product liability prop Prop 64 Prop 65 property law property rights pro se prosecution prosecutorial abuse Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act Provost Umphrey proximate cause pseudoephedrine PSLRA psychiatry psychics Public Citizen public employment public health publicity public nuisance publishers punitive damages qui tam race to the courthouse racial preferences racial quotas racketeering and RICO Rahm Emanuel railroads Ralph de Toledano Ralph Nader Rand Paul Raymond Niro readers helping out real estate recreation recusals recycling redistricting reform red light cameras redlining regulation and its reform regulation through litigation regulatory retaliation religious discrimination religious liberty remittitur reparations restaurant critics restaurants retaliation retroactive reviver statutes Rhode Island Rhode Island Station nightclub fire RIAA and file sharing Richard Blumenthal Richard Daynard Richard Epstein Richard Kreimer Richard Neely Richard Posner Richard Warman Rick Frenkel Rick Perry Rielle Hunter RightHaven right of publicity roads and streets Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Roberts sextortion Rocky Delgadillo Rod Blagojevich rogue site legislation rollover litigation Ron Krist Ron Paul roundups Roy Pearson Rudolph Giuliani rule of law Russia s. 17200 safety salt same-sex marriage sanctions San Diego Sandra Day O'Connor San Francisco Sarah Palin Sarbanes-Oxley Saudi Arabia scandals school discipline school lunch schools Schools for Misrule Schwartz Zweben science and scientists Scientology Scotland Scott Rothstein search engines seat backs seatbelts Seattle Second Circuit Securities and Exchange Commission securities litigation Seeger Weiss self-defense Senate September 11 serial litigants service animals settlement settlement monitors settling low-merit cases Seventh Circuit sex discrimination sex offender registries sexual assault sexual orientation sexual stereotyping Sheldon Adelson Sheldon Silver shotgun defendant selection shrinkwrap/EULAs silicone breast implants silicosis Sixth Circuit skiing skylights slip and fall small business smoking bans Snopes social host social media social networking soft drinks Sonia Sotomayor South Africa South Carolina South Dakota South Korea South Texas Southwest Airlines sovereign immunity space Spain spam litigation SPCA spoliation sports Stan Chesley stand your ground Stanley and Susan Rosenblatt Starbucks State Farm state high courts state trial lawyers groups statutes of limitations statutory damages Stella Liebeck Stephanie Mencimer Stephen Gillers stephen susman Stephen Yagman Steve Berman Steve Mostyn Streisand effect strippers and exotic dancers strip search hoax structured settlements Stuart Taylor Jr. student suicide sua sponte dismissal subpoenas sudden acceleration sued if you do suicide Super Bowl Superfund Supreme Court surveillance SUVs Sweden swimming Switzerland Tab Turner TARP taxes taxis and ridesharing taxpayers teacher tenure technology tech through 2008 Ted Frank telecom immunity telecommunications tempered glass Tennessee Tenth Circuit terrorism testing Texas The Excuse Factory The Litigation Explosion The Rule of Lawyers Third Circuit third party liability for crime Thomas Frankovich Thomas Frieden Thomas Geoghegan Thomas Girardi Tillinghast Timothy Balducci Title IX tobacco tobacco settlement toilets tolling Tom Daschle tort deform tort reform toxic torts Toyota trade dress trademarks trafficking traffic laws train trans-fats transgender transit trees Trent Lott trespassers trial lawyer earmarks Turkey Twitter U.S. House of Representatives unauthorized practice unemployment benefits United Auto Workers United Kingdom United Nations University of Mississippi Law School Unruh Act urban legends about lawsuits Utah utilities vaccines Vance v. Ball State Vermont vicarious liability Victim Compensation Fund Victoria Pynchon videogames Vioxx Virginia Virginia Tech voices of moderation Volkswagen volunteers voter fraud Voting Rights Act wacky warnings wage and hour suits Wal-Mart Wal-Mart v. Dukes Wall Street Walter Olson Washington D.C. Washington state watch what you say about lawyers wayward Republicans web accessibility Weil Gotshal & Manges welding Wendy's Wesley Snipes West Virginia whistleblowers Wikipedia wildfires Wilkes & McHugh William Niskanen Willie Gary wills and trusts Wisconsin WordPress workers' compensation workplace WO writings wrongful birth and wrongful life wrong right Wyeth Wyoming x-rays Yale YouTube zero tolerance